Welcome to Desperadoville
Welcome to the Scioto Desperados. We are a Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) sanctioned Cowboy Action Shooting Club. We strive to put on an entertaining, welcoming and friendly season of Cowboy Action Shooting matches.
We are located in the heart of Ohio, just 30 minutes north of the Columbus, Ohio area.
2025 Match Fees
$20 per match.
If this fee will cause you to be unable to shoot with us, see Johnny.
Check back here for any match announcements or cancellations
King of the Cowboys & Queen of the West
Annual Match
Join us on the 3rd Sunday in May for our Annual Match. We shoot eight, fast and fun stages. Some are quick and some are quirky. It is a great warm-up match for the Ohio State Shoot. We shoot four stages in the morning, break for lunch, and then finish with four stages, awards, and door prizes.
Register using the form below. Just click.

Match Info
3rd & 5th Sundays March-November
Registration 9:00 am
Safety Meeting: 9:45 am
Shooting: 10:00 am
Awards Immediately Following Match
Getting Here
We shoot at the Cardinal Shooting Center Pistol Range.
Park in the lots at either end of the range (parking near bays is restricted to those that setup)
Registration is on the range near our cowboy bays.
6-Stage Monthly
Our monthly matches are six stages.
Ammo: 60 pistol, 60 rifle Lead Only
Typically: 24 shotgun targets, how many are you going to make up?